Our Projects

Ethekwini Electricity

Fibre Optic Infrastructure :   Present

Low voltage faults  :  2001 – Present

Overhead/ Underground maintenance   : 2003 – To Present

Tree Cutting  : 2002 – To Present

Construction Electrification :  2008 – To Present

Construction House Service: 2008 – To Present


Electrification of Njapela (Nongoma) : 2006 –To 2007

Electrification of Madundube (Stanger) : 2007 –To 2008

Electrification of Nyathikazi (Darnall)​: 2007 –To 2008

Electrification of Yanguye (Melmoth) 2007 –To 2008

Electrification of schools (Installation) : 2007 –To 2008

Electrification of Pongola (Zone 1 Electrification) : 2009 –To 2010

Electrification of Dukuza (Phase  Electrification) : 2009 –To 2010

Electrification of Nhlazuka : 2009 –To 2010

Electrification of Jackalspan (Newcastle)  :  2008 –To 2010

Electrification of MMangweni (Bizana)(Phase 1 & 2)  :  2008 –To 2010

Refurbishment of 59km of overhead lines (Ulundi) :  2011 –To Present

Electrification – Gingndlovu :  2014

Electrification – Pongola :  2014

Minor Works  :  2014

Msinga Municipality

Electrification of schools (Construction) : 2007 – To 2008